Make IT Simple
Solution to all your IT needs

Getting the best features to work excellently

N-ERP | About Us

PT NANO ERP INDONESIA is a One Stop IT Solutions provider for companies operating in Indonesia. We offer solutions that are innovative, creative work and cost effectively to meet business growth and needs of our customers. We built a strong business in Providing IT solutions such as ERP Implementation, Custom Application, Web Design, Ecommerce, Digital Marketing, IT Support & Maintenance and Managed Infrastructure.

In order to find new business opportunities and adapt to the rapid technological developments, all businesses need IT professionals to follow the development of these technologies. Nano Indonesia followed the use of Information Technology which is increasingly complex and sophisticated to provide IT professional services and expertise in order to assist our customers to achieve their business growth.


Our Vision

Our vision is to build a reliable and robust customer base, that will strive to grow and transform the global Technology Industry increasingly and offer the best technological innovation products.

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Our Mission : Your Success

Our goal is to build a true partnership around your specific needs. With this kind of partnership in place, we can effectively put our technologies and experience to work for you. Nano ERP Indonesia as One Stop IT Solutions Provider, will get you a significant increase in efficiency, effectiveness and the company’s competitive advantage.

Our next goal is to help you grow and develop your business according to your goals, even in times of changing markets and increasing competitive pressure. We see ourselves as a One Stop IT Solutions provider that will make your business more simple and competitive. Our service is based on our three core values: major procurement, simplicity in pricing and competitive technologies. We provide advice and technology solutions to help your business success, based on the technology of efficient, innovative and a clear understanding of your needs.

Our Values

Trusted by customers and partners by upholding integrity, responsibility, discipline, continuous idea & implementation to ensure our product are always best in class.
Persistent in solving the problems and business dynamics by increasing creativity, skills, and information.
Establish strategic partnerships and synergy with our clients and partners to achieve the principle of mutual profit.

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Contact us every time you need and our team will immediately response within one day!